Diary of a Youth Minister

Life as a Youth Minister can be tiring, emotionally draining and really, really hard work ... but it's also masses of fun! And I get to see God working in the lives of young people, which is a massive privilege! This is my diary. It's a bit of a rollercoaster at times. Enjoy the ride! If you have any comments on my blog (positive or negative!) please email me at ant@stmikesyouth.org.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Preparing for goodbyes...

I spent Bank Holiday Monday with the five guys who are leaving St Mikes Youth in July.

That might not sound like such a big deal... but it was to me. Kelly, Laura, Rosie, Alistair and Claire have been a fundamental, massive, important part of the start of Mettle, and when they go off this Summer, I'm going to miss them terribly. I'm not good at endings, and this one's going to be hard. They're the first group that I've felt like I'm friends with as well... it's been such a pleasure.

So as I've been thinking about them going, I've been subconciously withdrawing from them emotionally. It's natural that my focus should be starting to shift towards those that will be with us next year, but I've been going further than that, and it's been too far. I think I've just not wanted to to get hurt.

So on Monday, I made a conscious descision to spend the day with them. Not working as such, just hanging out. And I'm so glad I did, because we all had a great day! We had a (large) lunch at Frankie and Benny's and then went ten-pin bowling. Nothing spectacular, just a good fun day that reminded me why I love these guys so much, and showed me that, while it will still hurt when they leave and no doubt there will be lots of tears, this is something I can do. And that I can enjoy them while they are still around.

By the way, I came sixth out of seven at bowling. The one person I beat? Trevor...



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